3 Quotes & Sayings By Tammyjo Eckhart

Tammy Jo Eckhart is a graduate from the University of North Carolina with a degree in English. She is a Christian author from Jacksonville, Florida, USA. Tammy Jo has been writing since she was in the eighth grade, when her favorite teacher encouraged her to write a book report on The Great Gatsby. Since then, she has written short stories and articles for magazines and newspapers Read more

She has written novels and short stories and several of her books have been nominated for awards and won various awards.

Submissive men, men who desire to serve as consensual slaves, are on one of the most difficult journeys in the world today, because they have rejected patriarchal privilege and embraced their own heart's calling instead. TammyJo Eckhart
Thinking this is "The One" becomes an excuse to let your own life deteriorate. TammyJo Eckhart